Mr Lim's
Chom Chau, Cambodia
A small tailors workshop in the marginalised community of Dey Tmey, Mr Lim’s provides a valuable livelihood for this hardworking family in an area where gainful employment can be difficult to find.
Support Small
Lim Hoeun is a skilled tailor with ten years experience in the business. Together with his wife, this couple specialise in creating traditional Cambodian shirts and pants. Their finely honed skill set makes them the perfect team to undertake some of the more intricate garments in our collection. With a family of four sons, consistent and fairly paid employment is of great value to them.
How We Found Them
Mr Lim was suggested by our Cambodian workshop manager, Srey Leak, at a time when we were looking to expand production. Also a local in the community, Srey Leak would often see him hard at work on his sewing machines as she would pass by his home-based workshop each day.
A Growing Community
His community of Dey Tmey, meaning “New Land”, was originally established in 2007 when slum dwellers from the capital of Phnom Penh were forcefully relocated from their homes in efforts to improve the city. Over the years, this community grew as inexpensive homes became available for purchase. However, much of the employment in this area was limited to poorly paid menial or illicit work. The establishment of skilled small businesses such as Mr Lim’s provides a valuable boost to the local economy of this community that is so dear to our hearts.